Caution though! It is not a list of virtual tour creation software but of panorama software. Virtual tour creation pieces of software will be detailed in the last page of this tutorial.

A few pieces of panoramic software..

The Best
IA 3 Pro
Photomerge CC 2020
Partly *
Autopano Giga 4.4
Autopano Pro 4.4
AP Vidéo 3.0Kolor-*****Closed

: partial stitching of the sphere hence not in 180° x 360°.

PTGui Pro 11.28

€ 199.00(Excl. VAT)

PTGui is the best assembly software since the closure of Kolor. Its historical users obviously don't care and the new ones should largely find their place there because the 2019 latest update are really excellent. The transition from Autopano Giga to PTGui is becoming obvious, especially with the new version 11.28 - Learn more and download

My note : 10/10 - PTGui's first-time users love it and that's understandable. It was Autopano's competitor.. but Kolor has just closed. We no longer have a choice, but it's no longer a problem because it's an excellent software, especially with the latest updates.The best on!

Hugin 2019

Free !

My opinion on Hugin 2019

This multi-language, open source stitching software is highly valued by the discerning user community. Do not hesitate to put your hands in the grease! Quite close to PTGui it is also very powerful but some troublesome limitations compared to APG or PTGui. To always have close to you in case .. - Learn more

My note : 8,5/10 - Hugin is very close to PTGui in its interface and its use because it initially uses the same tools Panoramatools but it is free!.

360 Grad Stitching Software Mac Download

Photomerge CC 2020

Subscription : $9.99/mo

Photomerge is a Photoshop plugin that allows to Stitch panoramas, possibly spherical but Attention! not complete. Photomerge does not know how to correctly Stitch a complete 180 x 360 ° image for example.
It is very easy to use but also rather limited and really lacking flexibility of use. That said, the little it knows how to do it does very well, that is to say multi-ranged panoramas that do not go from floor to ceiling. The latest version even includes the ability to Stitch Raw and generate a panorama in RAW format! - Learn more

My note : 8,0/10 - There may be cases where we need to Stitch a panorama punctually and it is possible to do it with Photomerge, a plugin integrated in Photoshop. Photomerge lacks flexibility and possibilities, but what it knows how to do is often very well Stitchd in an interface that is easy to understand without a learning curve. Credible punctual alternative.

PanoramaStudio 3.3.0 / Pro

$39.95 / $79.90

My opinion on PanoramaStudio 3.3.0 / Pro

This stitching software, multilingual, is very similar to PTGui in the approach and the interface. The tools therefore seem the same! And I happened to succeed panoramas with PS 3 that I did not manage - automatically - to do with Autopano Giga. The comparison stops there because APG is really more flexible to use .. but it costs is more expensive - Learn more and download software

My note : 8,5/10 - 8.5 because frankly it works very well and it costs significantly less than Autopano Pro version (3X cheaper!).

The process of panorama stitching

360 Grad Stitching Software Mac

Here again, it is very simple even though each software has its own stitching process, always pretty much the same nowadays. In this tutorial, I describe the process extensively with Autopano Giga.

The steps

But schematically the steps can be summed up as follows:

360 Photo Stitching Software

Saving the file of the panorama

Finally, you save the final picture in whatever file you want. The format, as for it, is important to make possible further edits in Photoshop easier. That's why I chose the extension PSD/PSB by default because it's a format:

Other options are detailed for Autopano Giga in its dedicated tutorial.

My tutorials..

Stitch a panorama with PTGui 11
Stitch a panorama with Photomerge CC 2019
Stitch a panorama with Hugin 2019
Stitch a panorama with Autopano Giga / Pro 4.4

Before creating your virtual tour, you still need to make the last edits on your freshly-Stitchd panorama, you'll make the last edits on your final panorama, the one that was just Stitchd in your favorite panorama software - Last final edits..

Pratical Guide N°1 :
The Nodal Point

$12.90 USD

My practical guides in e-books - N° 1!

'Find the nodal point or no parallax point accurately in less than an hour'.. whether you are photographing a simple panorama or a 360° photo - PDF of 100 pages -More information..
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